Sandblasting metal interior trim today. Beautiful Ohio weather, can start making progress. Questions should I paint, or prime and paint? I primed the 2 lower window trim, because it was pretty rusty. The other pieces are of good quality.
The back windshield has been in car forever. That mineralization on the glass is from the stainless moldings. I guess it shouldn't be called stainless. What product is good to take this off. Used acytone, fantastic, and tried wd40. Any suggestions
My dad bought the 71 gran coupe in 81 for $75. Was rear-ended, and needed freeze plugs. In 1997 I gave him $1500 for it. In the end 2016 started restoration. 5 years and 3 body shops. Finally started the engine in 2024. Plans are to finish it in 2025 God willing.
A little warmer in southern Ohio, 8 this morning. Still cleaning up tar on the splash guards in the house where it is warm. Next week looking good to put them back on car, in the garage.
Dome light bulb on an overhead console calls for a b2112. Unfortunately had a 561 in there. They have 2112 that are LED now. Can that LED bulb bulb be used on stock wiring?