Selling for a friend who was stockpiling parts to restore his 70 R/T. Has nice wood grain top, compartment door has a separation from inner door. I am going to attempt a fix. Complete with brackets and top plate $300. No broken edges. Console is located in SW Wisconsin, will deliver to Mopars on...
I am bringing a pair of 71 'Cuda fenders to Stillwater Mn. for the Mopars in the Park. I purchased them at an auction near Green Bay. These had been "media blasted" but not primered or bondoed afterwards. They have surface rust on them. They are solid and real, numbers on them prove this. I am...
I recently purchased some 71 gilled 'Cuda fenders. It appears at one point that they were media blasted, or acid dipped and stored with no primer/paint on them. The are not rotted or scaly, surface rust is my concern. since these have rust, I cannot see any "stenciled" part numbers on them, is...