I just posted a response to a question concerning a fender tag and wasn't sure that was the best way to pose this question.
I tried decoding my friend's fender tag on his 71 Challenger convertible and there's some ambiguity.
See attached. He does not have the broadcast sheet unfortunately.
I am trying to repair/replace the plastic clips on my boot. Problem is, the two strips of material that sandwich the clips is all dry rotted, brittle and cracked. What is this material? I can find no info on this. My upholstery guy is somewhat baffled as well. I tried to purchase these strips...
Soon, I will be pulling my trans from my Chall R/T Conv 383 4-speed for a rebuild and, while it's out, I want to replace the clutch. Car is street driven only and is completely stock right down to the ignition points. Suggestions?
Some of you already know me, but I am a recently retired veteran of the printing industry (RR Donnelley/DFIN/LSC Communications) that was at one time one of the largest industries in the region. I have been a Mopar fan my entire adult life, however, E bodies have been my passion, specifically...