So very sorry to hear that. So many idiots in this world it's just so sad that you had to be an innocent bystander.
Do you and your son have any plans to do it tribute to this car by buying another one and doing it up again? I hope you do cuz there's nothing like spending time with your son.
WOW Your car brought a tear to my eye. I had one like that identical in high school beat the living snot out of it to the point where one night playing around screwing around passenger side frame came through the floorboard made me sick.
next day a friend and my brother help me strip her down...
I just decoded my fender tag. And I found out my car originally came with a white top (V1W)
but my interior is BLACK(A6XW) has anybody ever heard or seen this color combo before.
also says strobe stripe is black!
I need a passenger seat for a 73 - 74 Challenger or Cuda.
Would like it to be in MID/SOUTHERN MICHIGAN
but we can work out shipping for the right one.
Would like pictures PLEASE too.
Thanks Eric
Just purchased my 73 Challenger Rallye. The restoration was done beautifully, but there are some items (like the dash) that are not to original. I was able to decipher most of the Fender Code. There are a couple of codes that I could use help on. Here are the codes I cannot decipher...
Looking for a new wiring harness for a 73 Challenger Rallye. Former owner put a PAINLESS wiring kit.
I want to go back original.
Thanks in advance for help.