Adam - Here is a couple of pictures of my current 3-speed tunnel. I have no idea what the automatic tunnel looks like or it's dimensions for the shifter hole.
Leo, I think she wants a pic of an automatic floor. Claudia, the shifter hole is not the same. I don't like the idea, but it's your car. Get the auto trans and shifter and new floor pan. Cut out enough of the manual tunnel to mock up the auto and shifter, this will give you measurements for the shifter hole. The shifter location can be used to mock up the brackets for the floor console.
Adam - I do not wish to or plan to replace the factory 3-speed floor/tunnel. I plan to modify and then weld the three automatic console brackets to my original 3-speed tunnel. I am just trying to figure out the size and location of the automatic shifter hole so that I can modify that at the same time.