Is there a place where I can see the specs for the AAR 340 engine? Compression, cam specs, etc. I don't have a TA block (original engine was destroyed before I got the car) so will need to get as close as possible with a standard block.
Stick with a
1968-1970 engine. Consider a 1970 engine (painted Street Hemi Orange) for your AAR if you can source one. The early-340 engines have the forged crankshaft and are internally-balanced.
The automatic cars have neutral-balanced torque convertors as well.
The later 340 engines (painted Chrysler Blue) have cast-crankshafts and are externally-balanced (harmonic balancer must match). Automatics get special torque convertors with weights.
Someone else can chime in about the 1971 340 engines which were painted Chrysler Blue as well. 1971 340s are also forged crankshaft and internally-balanced but you could make a mistake with those and end up with a 1972 or 1973 340. Check the Engine Identification numbers and casting dates.
Any of the 340-360 engines could be made into a similar looking 1970 340 when painted orange with the 2.02/1.60 valve X or J heads installed.
Finding T/A heads and a T/A block would be a very, costly endeavor as you probably already know.
2nd photo below is a 1970 340 engine ID stamping for FW340P31060544. Note there is no small "s" in the non-T/A 340 block ID stamping.