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I'm looking for the chrome dealer emblem that Peters Dodge in Milwaukee, WI placed on cars they sold during the early 1970s. It isn't E-body or even model-specific but I need--OK, really want--one for my Challenger (which wasn't sold there--long story). Peters was apparently huge into performance Dodges during the era (they sold one of the few 1969 Daytonas that went to WI), with one user on another forum describing them as "...the Dodge hot rod palace of Milwaukee. Kind of the competitor to Gran Spaulding Dodge north of the Wisconsin border". According to him, during the heyday they had "at least" 100 performance Mopars on the lot on any given day.
Knowing that, this shouldn't be as difficult as it has been, but I can't even find a picture online of said emblem. I'm hoping someone in southern WI or northern IL has one on a parts car or knows of something in a junkyard. It's doubtful the design ever changed, and it was possibly still in use until they were bought out by Dodge City. Chrome dealer emblems didn't go away 'round these parts until the early '90s.
I'm located in MI's sunny Upper Peninsula, right on the WI border. I'm willing to pay more than it's likely worth, and would (potentially) eat a shoe for an NOS one.
Knowing that, this shouldn't be as difficult as it has been, but I can't even find a picture online of said emblem. I'm hoping someone in southern WI or northern IL has one on a parts car or knows of something in a junkyard. It's doubtful the design ever changed, and it was possibly still in use until they were bought out by Dodge City. Chrome dealer emblems didn't go away 'round these parts until the early '90s.
I'm located in MI's sunny Upper Peninsula, right on the WI border. I'm willing to pay more than it's likely worth, and would (potentially) eat a shoe for an NOS one.