Problem: Low Voltage on 1970 Dodge Challenger
Voltage output shows 10.6 Volts at the alternator when running and battery shows11.5-11.7 Volts
Engine: 383
Battery: Oddessy Xtreme
Alternator: New Tuff Stuff 8509RCDP
Car has Edelbrock Serpentine belt and electic fan
I have replaced the Voltage regulator with a Chrysler model with not change. I have also reran new ground wires to the battery and alt with no changes. I checked the short wire from the voltage regulator to the block and it looks good. I bypassed the ammeter by putting both wires on the same pin and also ran a line directly from the starter relay to the alt as a test and there was no change.
Any idea on what else I could try? There is no change is voltage if I let the engine idle or rev it to higher rpms.
Problem: Low Voltage on 1970 Dodge Challenger
Voltage output shows 10.6 Volts at the alternator when running and battery shows11.5-11.7 Volts
Engine: 383
Battery: Oddessy Xtreme
Alternator: New Tuff Stuff 8509RCDP
Car has Edelbrock Serpentine belt and electic fan
I have replaced the Voltage regulator with a Chrysler model with not change. I have also reran new ground wires to the battery and alt with no changes. I checked the short wire from the voltage regulator to the block and it looks good. I bypassed the ammeter by putting both wires on the same pin and also ran a line directly from the starter relay to the alt as a test and there was no change.
Any idea on what else I could try? There is no change is voltage if I let the engine idle or rev it to higher rpms.