Not to hijack Claudia, she will get first crack at a sale, but I have a set available also. 778 & 779, from a 71 340 R/T, if anyone needs them.
Bar number Body Year Engine Diameter Paint stripe
774-775 B 62-72 225 0.86 Orange
E 70-74 198/225/318
776-777 B 62-69 273/318/361/383 0.88 Green
B 70-72 318/383-2/400-2
E 70-71 318/383-2
778-779 B 62-69 383-4 H.D. 0.90 Aluminum
BE 70-71 340/383-4
B 72 340/400-4/440
E 72-74 340/360
780-781 B 66-71 440/426 0.92 Brown
E 70-71 440/426