Hello, it may be blasphemous to say

but I’m not the biggest fan of the pistol grip, I’d prefer the ball shifter handle. I have an a833 for my 72 challenger and couldn’t find options on Google other than the pistol grip. Is there a vendor that makes a ball shifter handle for 833 for e body? Seems like only the B bodies got the ball shifter?
Ha! I am not a fan of Pistol Grip shifters either! Glad to know I'm not the only one! IMO they are just corny. I know people will vehemently disagree but that's OK, I like what I like. I think that most people use Pistol Grips because that's what you do but just because the factory foisted it on E Body buyers does not mean you're bound by some ancient Mopar Law to use one. To me it feels like your wrist and hand are pointing downwards when you shift forward which feels especially awkward. Normally I like to use my palm to put the shifter into 1st or 3rd and pull it into 2nd or 4th between the base of my fingers and top of my palm.
I'm also converting my '72 Challenger to a 4 speed so I've researched this exact subject a bit. Here's a diagram of the E body Pistol Grip Shifter for reference.
Though I have not tried to fit any of these myself, there are some generic handles that appear like they would work. Hurst # 8550 is a Fox Mustang shifter handle. It has a rearward bend that puts the ball in a similar position to the top of the pistol grip. I'm not sold on the appearance of it though, looks a bit too modern for an E Body. Might be a bit short as well.
Next is the Hurst #6836 handle which I think would look more at home but may not be a perfect fit. That handle has a 7/8" jog to the right so without it being in the car it's hard to know if it will line up with the boot. Pretty sure it's a generic Brand-X handle. Brewer's sells these as generic replacement handles but they don't specify what it would fit. Guess you could ask them.
There's also this one, #8009. I have not seen too many of these around so it might take some looking to find one. This one is angled 1" from the mount towards the driver which could be a good thing.
Also might want to check Ebay or wherever for an old, generic Mr. gasket shifter handle. If I'm not mistaken they made one that is similar to the Hurst #6836 but without the jog. You'd have to take a chance on one of those, I don't have a diagram for them.
Good luck and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE update this thread with pics when you figure it out.