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so where do I go from here?


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2009
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Beaver Dams, NY
Went to the doctor the other day and was diagnosed with tendenitise in my left shoulder, on top of the repetitive motion already diagnosed in my left elbow. I also have to get X-rays done on both my knees. Seems I have arthritis in both, one possibly severe. Sometimes it hurts to stand up from a sitting position. So, at the age of 37, having spent my adult life working on cars, where do I go from here if I can't crouch to do body work or stand all day to work on a lift?


Well-Known Member
Dec 25, 2008
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I hear ya! I have had cortisone shots in both my elbows, surgery on my left hand, and my left leg hurts once in a while, not to mention all the migraine headaches.

I'm only 41 (42 next month), and I don't want to be doing body/paint work when I'm 60.
But I don't know what else to do, It's the only thing I know how to do. :confused:

Oh well, life seems to always work out. Knock on wood!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2009
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Beaver Dams, NY
Was hoping someone might be in the same position. (I suffer from migraines, too.) Twisting a wrench and cutting in bodies is all I've ever done and I can probably stand to do more of it, but for how much longer before the knees and the elbow give out completely? I'll be 38 in December. The idea of having to start over just never seemed like one that I had to face.


Jun 1, 2009
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I fell apart at 34 years young from being an autobody technition . Got one blown disc and the one above that one bulged out , and this year i got tendenitis in both elbows, a vertibrae that keeps going out of place in my neck and arthritis bad in my hands.
I cant be a bodyman full time anymore so i restore mopars at my own leisure and do the best i can.
I never thought i would fall apart at this age either.
With back problems it makes it just about impossable to get a job when you cant stand or sit for long periods of time or bend or crouch etc.
And then you try and get SSI and they turn you down and tell you, you can get a job.
Its just a bunch of BS nothing but a game!


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2009
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Beaver Dams, NY
Just looking at the couple of replies that I've gotten gives a moral to the story and be testified to: young guns coming into the body biz need to be educated on how to treat their bodies....


Jun 1, 2009
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If i could do it again i would pick a different line of work.
I never even heard of hurniated or bulging discs before mine went out.
I just thought everyone got a sore back


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2009
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Beaver Dams, NY
My nephew was thinking of getting into body work. He loves cars and wants to work on 'em. Didn't take me long to steer him away from that idea. So now, after doing some research, looking at career money projections, and talking with some guys in the industry he's looking at diesels. Still a lot of heavy lifting if he goes the truck or equipment route...


Dec 25, 2008
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South Central MO
Went to the doctor the other day and was diagnosed with tendenitise in my left shoulder, on top of the repetitive motion already diagnosed in my left elbow. I also have to get X-rays done on both my knees. Seems I have arthritis in both, one possibly severe. Sometimes it hurts to stand up from a sitting position. So, at the age of 37, having spent my adult life working on cars, where do I go from here if I can't crouch to do body work or stand all day to work on a lift?

I know how you feel. I've been doing bodywork since 1973 and I really feel beat up sometimes. Plus I've had a back injury since I was 13 so I started out at a disadvantage. Sometimes I feel like I'm 100 years old and sometimes I'm sure I'll never make it that far.
Anyway I also suffered from tendonitis in my right elbow. It hurt so bad sometimes I couldn't use my right arm or hand. I thought it stemmed from my back problems so I asked a chiropractor about it. He said the only way it would heal was to quit using it. Hmmm, not a good option when you're right-handed to begin with, and have to work for a living. But he also told me to try taking huge doses of vitamin B-6, like 2 tablets 4 times a day and see if it would help. Then he said to taper off after awhile to 1 tablet 4 times a day, then just 2 a day, then 1. I asked him when I should start tapering off and he just said I would know. So I took 2 for 4 times a day for a couple of weeks or so, then started tapering off as he said. I was feeling better so I finally quit taking them completely. I did have a flair-up some time later so I bought another bottle and took them and now haven't been bothered for several years. How and why it helped I don't know and I don't know if it helps everybody but it doesn't cost much to try. My chiropractor sold me the first small bottle but told me I could buy it much cheaper at Wal-Mart. His brand did seem a little more effective so I asked about it and he said it had an ingrediant (and I don't remember what it was) that helped your body to utilize the B-6 better. You just had to take the Wal-Mart brand a little longer.
I saw your post and just thought I would throw this out there in case anyone would want to try it. It did help me but may not work for everyone. Doesn't cost much to try, though.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2009
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Beaver Dams, NY
I know how you feel. I've been doing bodywork since 1973 and I really feel beat up sometimes. Plus I've had a back injury since I was 13 so I started out at a disadvantage. Sometimes I feel like I'm 100 years old and sometimes I'm sure I'll never make it that far.
Anyway I also suffered from tendonitis in my right elbow. It hurt so bad sometimes I couldn't use my right arm or hand. I thought it stemmed from my back problems so I asked a chiropractor about it. He said the only way it would heal was to quit using it. Hmmm, not a good option when you're right-handed to begin with, and have to work for a living. But he also told me to try taking huge doses of vitamin B-6, like 2 tablets 4 times a day and see if it would help. Then he said to taper off after awhile to 1 tablet 4 times a day, then just 2 a day, then 1. I asked him when I should start tapering off and he just said I would know. So I took 2 for 4 times a day for a couple of weeks or so, then started tapering off as he said. I was feeling better so I finally quit taking them completely. I did have a flair-up some time later so I bought another bottle and took them and now haven't been bothered for several years. How and why it helped I don't know and I don't know if it helps everybody but it doesn't cost much to try. My chiropractor sold me the first small bottle but told me I could buy it much cheaper at Wal-Mart. His brand did seem a little more effective so I asked about it and he said it had an ingrediant (and I don't remember what it was) that helped your body to utilize the B-6 better. You just had to take the Wal-Mart brand a little longer.
I saw your post and just thought I would throw this out there in case anyone would want to try it. It did help me but may not work for everyone. Doesn't cost much to try, though.

Thanks for the advice. Right now the doc has me on 1000mg Naproxen for the pain. It's helping on the shoulder, but the weather is playing havoc with the knees. Have an appointment to go over the X-rays tomorrow morning and will talk to him about the B6.
Right now it's just a matter of looking at the future. I honestly don't know if my chosen field will be feasible anymore. And I really can't see myself at a desk, either.


Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2008
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Bethel, CT
They dont build them like they use to, At 31 I have arthritis in both hands and have had tendenitious in my wrist as well as a knee that crack ever step I take.

Feel better.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2009
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Beaver Dams, NY
They dont build them like they use to, At 31 I have arthritis in both hands and have had tendenitious in my wrist as well as a knee that crack ever step I take.

Feel better.

So what do we do, Adam? We're still fairly young, good at what we do, like what we do...keep going until we can't anymore? Hope we can go until retirement? Or look for a way out now so we can enjoy retirement later on? Just looking for ideas from guys who have been down this path...are you going to keep going or...?

By the way, thanks.


Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2008
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Bethel, CT
Mines not to bad. I only feel the arthritis in the winter. My hands get real stiff which really sucks as a guitar player.

I just ignore it and go on with life.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2009
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Beaver Dams, NY
Been doing that for the last five or six years...getting harder and harder to ignore.

Look guys, not looking for pity or anything. I've read my last posts and it's kind of sounded that way. Sorry about that. I'm usually the first guy to suck it up and deal with it. The right knee started off about ten years ago as a "click." No big deal. The left knee started off as a "click" about two years ago. No big deal. The elbow...hell, do my stretches, pull my brace a little tighter, have the wife massage the arm, no big deal.
Just looking for ideas from guys who have been down this path and had their bodies give out before it's time. How have you dealt with it? Re-education? Different career path?


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2009
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Beaver Dams, NY
That's what I would like to do, but this (body/paint/restoration) is the only thing I know how to do.

Been a few things over the years I would mind doing. I'm a lay speaker in the Methodist church and thought of taking on the studies for being a pastor. If I do that will be a few years off now, with the wife and I changing local churches and getting to know a new one.

Just an update on the old knees. The X-rays didn't reveal anything, but way too much clicking and popping. The pain meds aren't having any affect like it should for arthritis, so the initial diagnosis is out the window. Now on to the MRI and see a specialist is January.

My 32 year old wife is starting to call me "old man." Wondering if she should trade me in for a couple of 19 year olds...:D (She could trade first. All I'd get is jail time!)


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2009
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Beaver Dams, NY
Just figured I'd give an update for those who are interested. Went to the orthopedist on Thursday to talk about the MRIs and get some further examination. The good news, I can put off surgery. The bad news, surgery will be inevitable.

The cartiledge on my knees, what's left of it, is torn. Millions of microscopic tears, allowing bone on bone. It's shaved down on my right knee, meaning eventually I'll need a replacement, just not right now. Hitting aggressive PT to trying to strengthen the muscles around the knees to make up for the lack of cartiledge and the fact that it's not all there. Start on Monday, two to three times a week.


Well-Known Member
May 13, 2009
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Metro Detroit
Sorry to hear about all your ailments, all of you. I blew out 3 discs in my back wakeboarding 4 years ago and haven't really been the same since. I herniated all 3 and tore 2 of them open so the fluid that they are cushioned with leaked out. Let me tell you about some pain!!. I was on Fentinel for a few months and that was torture in itself. As a carpenter it was pretty tough to deal with. Do ok now with daily excersise, vitamins, try to drink lots of water and best of all, hang upside down and do crunches on an inversion table, which feels great for my lower back. Still some pain everyday, but I love what I do so much that I just deal with it. Just make sure you are working smart and try to be careful and pace yourselves.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2008
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Cars in yards
Fish oil works a bit for me, and maybe glucosamine/chondroitin supplements. But then I don't have the damage you have. I learned a lot form Earl Mindell's vitamin bible...good resource. Take multivitamins and get the right therapy. Some of these supplements take time to effect the body, it took time to get that way. good luck all!