First off Thank you very much for your response. I is greatly appreciated. I can't believe this response!!! It's like he was there when the engine was machined and built. He can see the nut in shell and the shell!
I don't think so but I do and will have to check it. I do recall A good while back when I did the engine break in I did keep idle up by any means
When I was getting the cam. I was talking to an induvial that was versed in the matter of choosing the cam. I was building for durability. They suggested a cam that was just a but different then my build. A little milder. 280-110 60 474 106 zero ( They said to install it straight up) The cam I was looking at wanted a 2° advance key. The one I put in didn't state that. That I remember a decade ago. It always haunted me because I didn't put it in. The block was decked and line bored pretty much stock components. Went 30 over pistons to make sure everything cleaned up. That is with 1.6 rockers the heaver valve springs, rocker shaft offset shims, lash caps, trued connecting rods, head work guides and seats. Then balanced. I was a bit leery about advancing the cam 2°. I clayed the heads and the clearance was very close to spec I think it was 0.03 clearance. I think I have the clay laying in the engine built kit. This might have to be addressed.
That I know is not stuck. It is turned in about 1 turn. I watch that. The idle screws a about 2 turns out now. But there again I have to be sure to check it.
That is one of the first things I did. check battery state of charge. checked plugs, wires and found corrosion in the cap and rotor. So I did clean it and it made an improvement. But I didn't have a new cap. So I did the next best thing. Pulled the dual point and dropped in an electronic dizzy that I just cleaned and put light spring in. Much better. But still rich. Then I seen the weeping from the primary's and not dripping when off. The engine fires, not even a full turn. Just static timed.
That I will have to check!
If it is not throttle plates open too far, following are some other possibilities to check:
- Float(s) setting too high (even if within specification, tweaking might be required)
- Sunken float(s) - saturated nitrophyl or brass with a leak
When I rebuilt them I got new parts and reused the brass floats. They sent me the wrong ones.
- Leaky needle and seat at inlet, or trash in the needle and seat
Have to check that.
- Fuel pressure too high overpowering needle and seat seal
There is a carter high volume fuel pump 3/8 line feeding it.
- Blocked swept idle air ports leading to too much throttle plate opening to set idle
Have check.
- Incorrect upper main body to cover gasket
That I'm going to have to check.
- Slightly open secondary throttle plates (maybe)
Never gave that a thought!
- Possible air bleed and/or passages issue, although this typically would result in more of a lean running condition, but if at this point in this list, a good cleaning of all internal passages and inspection of internals is likely in order
Can DO.
The brass floats they sent don't look right!
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Once again thanks for you help in this matter.