I’ve purchased two sets in the last 15 years ( repro) and both were close but, must be manipulated to fit correct. They look great. Just fit em before you paint.
The JEGs ad on flea bay above claims 10 sets available?
I would call JEGS directly and check it out.
Classic ad stated "arriving soon" so I see what you are saying.
I contacted them they said there supplier has them but could be 2 weeks to ship and why is that ?? They don't know. I have a order with year one but no idea when they will have them
I recently ordered some gas tank parts from Year One. Order took almost a month to get delivered.I am guessing that it is a combination of slower deliveries and difficulty getting parts from a warehouse or vendor. Just my thoughts
Year one has like no inventory left i ordered some gauges and moldings and they have no idea when it will be in. I think there looking for a vendor over seas to make the parts again