You are correct, Year One does not manufacture a lot of the parts they sell. But most of the auto part stores don't make the parts they sell either. Year One like most large companies, offer advantages that smaller businesses can't offer. 1 stop shopping, techs to answer questions, a very good refund/ buy back policy, volume discounts, constantly expanding the items that they can offer to us, their customers. And all the other intangable benefits of dealing with a large company. As with any business, these extras have a cost. If we all stopped buying from the big guys, they would not stay in business and we would lose a valuable resource. And ultimately we would all pay more as the mfgs. who supply these companies need to make a certain amount of profit to remain in business and develop new parts, they rely on high volume to sell at lower prices. High volume= lower prices. Just like shopping locally for your day to day needs, supports your city with tax revenues to fund local projects, street repair, parks, etc.. We need to support the people who support our hobby to reap the benefits. We need each other.