I presently have a aftermarket HEI distributor with a coil. My understanding you cannot use the EFI Monitor to set the timing. It looks that to do so I need an Hyperspark distributor at a cost of over $ 450. Is this realy true??? What can I do with my aftermarket HEI wit a coil. Thanks!
Here are some photos. When you store a car for the winter and remove one cable from the battery does that kill the memory of the EFI monitor. In other words is it possible that some data need to be reloaded as a result of a prolongue disconnection of the battery? Also in the Holley manual it...
I'm new (past 4 months) to the forum. I own a 1970 CUDA with a 440 HP - with a Holley Sniper EFI -with a HEI distributor.
I'm getting all kinds of number on how to set the timins - is the following OK for a street car with is Moapar extreme energy cam (Lift = .477 INT .480 exh - Duration .268...
I need help to tune my EFI sniper on a 1970 CUDA 440 HIGH PERPROMANCE.
I have a High Energy Ignition distributor and needs help on the folowing tuning:
I'm told that all I need to time is to use a timing light and adjust the timing to 7-8 degree = is that correct.
Also I'm told that I...
I have a 1970 CUDA with a 440 Holly sniper. Please let me know what are the best sparks plugs for this car = the motor is a streetable model.
Also I changed the clutch fan for a flexible race fan and l did not notice any improuvement - should I pur back the clutch fan?
I recently purchassed a 1970 CUDA 440 with a Holley Sniper 1. The motor has been redone with many new stock parts (no upgrade to the cam or other performance items). It should develop around 375 to 390 HP. It does not seem to develop as indicated (375 to 390 HP) since it does not even make the...
Someone managed to remove the worping in the hood. This by introducing some metal bar in the hood to keep it straight.
Hi - I also have the following queations fo you guys!!
Where can i find the little botton that adjust the daily odometer in the speedometer cadran.
I bought the following...
Finaly managed to install the hood properlay - thjis after many adjustment to the hinges. I bought my springs from Year One - red in collor. They ar not strong enough to hold the hood up. I ordered a pole to hold the hood when I need access to the engine compartment. I checked the one you bought...