I have a 2 Post lift in my hangar. Where do you all place the lift arms to lift your E Body Challenger? I sure don't want to bend anything. Photos would be great.
I have gone through a lot of the posts on this site concerning heating issues with the 440 Magnum. Not many fit my situation. First of all, I bought this car from my friends widow. He bought it off of Ebay from the guy that restored it in Florida and had it shipped to Texas. I did not know...
Just a bit of info before I go through the problem. I bought my 70 Challenger from a friend's widow. My friend had a Holley Sniper system put on the 440 Magnum. I am finding they did a sloppy job and took some short cuts. I won't go into that just yet. The problem I am having is that I...
Hi all. I recently inherited a 1970 Challenger that was originally a 318 SE model. It is cloned to look like an R/T. My friend passed recently and he was in impulse buyer and bought this car out of Florida. He never said what he paid for it but I think it was pretty pricey. It has a 440...