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1970 440-6 Challenger RT Convertible V.I.N. JS27V0B100421

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Thank you for all that extra irrelevant information it will be given it`s proper consideration! :pottytrain5:

Ya think?

Lynn Shackelford did not willingly sign a Bill of Sale for his 1970 Dodge challenger 440-6 Pack. He was forced to sign a Bill of Sale by Paul Doolittle and his son Matthew of 33 Old Chester road, Derry, NH 03038.

You still haven't said where the title is... Mike Mancini's "pink slip" in the email.

As I've pointed out, there's hardly any state that transfers ownership based on a bill of sale. State produced paperwork is necessary. As in something generated by the titling state, with a state seal, or approved paper, that states that the state recognizes this ownership.

Who has the title? It's something you still haven't stated.

6PK2GO said:
I am Arthur Joly, a 56 year old male homosexual legally married in the state of New Hampshire to Lynn Andrew Shackelford.

Um... who cares?

6PK2G0 said:
Yes we lost our house in 2011 due to medical costs. At that time we'd been paying on the house for 22 years and owed $8,500. In 2007, the 10th of June, the beginning of Motorcycle Week in Laconia, NH, I rode my motorcycle into the side of a Hyundai that turned across my travel path, went over the car and tumbled when I landed because of my backpack. In October of 2010, after nursing AVN, Avascular Necrosis in my upper right arm I tripped over a lawn mower in the dark and shattered the head of the humerus in my right arm.

Again: who cares? This about your accusations of theft. No one asked for your life story and told you to defend your personal life.

6PK2GO said:
Ralph Stemple posted:

" would like to inform you that the information contained in this thread regarding a "stolen" car is a fabricated story. Lynn Shackleford sold his Challenger 2 years ago legally. Unfortunately the poster is Lynn's husband. Both of these men suffer from mental illness, delusions and paranoia."

Well, this is interesting since the Unitarian Universalist Church of Manchester, NH does not have a Ralph Stemple in the church directory. The directory goes from Stadtmiller to Sterling with nothing in between.

"Mr. Stemple" has already said it's an alias.

6PK2G0 said:
If you'd like to talk to us on the telephone my cell phone number is (xxx) xxx-xxxx and Lynn's is (xxx) xxx-xxxx. We'll tell you where we are and you can take us out to dinner. Lynn's an Electronics Engineer and he used to work in the California defense industry while I'm a toolmaker. The last real job we held was for a Tier II auto manufacturer and we built over a nine year period 44 pieces of industrial automation, Lynn worked on the ISO 9000 steering committee and I tried to keep people from hurting themselves or the machinery. Yeah, we're delusional all right.

Again, this has no bearing on the situation at hand.

6PK2GO said:
The Moderator rameneth said,
"On the other hand we now have someone saying the accusations are false and that the interested party is delusional. By leaving this up maybe we can alert those in the hobby that the accusations are false."

Not an accusation but the truth.

Yes, I did say that.

And as far as the truth, that's what we're trying to ascertain. What he have is something posted on the internet. Hardly verifiable. With pics taken of a car with a newspaper.

A newspaper hardly verifies ownership on your part. It provides the date.

6PK2Go said:
Lynn Shackelford's Challenger was removed from his possession without any course of legal action and Lynn was forced to sign a Bill of Sale by the above mentioned Paul Doolittle. Period.

See the bold: you just said it yourself. "Without any course of legal action." Could that be because the title went with the bill of sale? If that's the case, then the case is closed and you guys sold the car legally.

6PK2GO said:
I would have been happy if Paul had come up with what the car is really worth but that didn't happen.

Wait a minute... you keep saying over and over again that it's Lynn's most prized possession. Now you're saying you would have been happy if you had gotten what it was worth.

Hard to place a price tag on the "most prized possession."

Are we getting to the gist of the story now?

6PK2GO said:
The mysterious Ralph Stemple came back with:

"I am not a car hobbiest. I am a member of the church that has a 1st hand account of the situation. We had to fire Art & Lynn from their jobs at the church for these rediculous accusations and attacks on other members.
One of our members was gracious enough to help Lynn by lending him a large sum of money to get many of his belongings back from a storage company that was about to auction them off due to non-payment. Lynn sold the car to satisfy the debt, plain & simple."

First off Ralph, you don't exist under that name. Second I know who was there and who wasn't. Third we were fired for trying too receive justice from Paul Doolittle.

Why was the church involved to begin with? The church is a third party in all this, just as this site is.

There's no way in hell the threat of suing the church has any teeth unless the church was directly involved with your pursuit. Which brings about the question of the email. You say you scanned the email.

How did you get it to begin with?

And why print it to scan it? It can just as easy be cut and pasted into a doc file... or pdf format, like you used, but still the question remains... how did you get a copy and why bother scanning it?

6PK2GO said:
It's not rediculous, it's ridiculous.

Quit being a wise ass and picking apart people's spelling when you've misused the word "too" in your post.

6PK2GO said:
And it wasn't a large sum of money. It was $15000 spread over 16 months that I didn't know about until the day of the auction.

I would consider $15K a large sum of money, no matter how it was paid.

6PK2GO said:
And the auction was for storage units left over from our antique store that I wanted gone. The cars were stored at the same place but separately. The cars were not part of the auction. After last minute consultation with Paul Doolittle he offered work space on his farm and I agreed to sell the stuff in the storage units to repay $15,000 plus $1,000 to buy one month's time to move the stuff in the storage lockers. Paul reneged on the work space after I moved the stuff, plus the cars. I moved the cars to save myself some money. Period. I sold Lynn's 1960 Pontiac Bonneville for $5,000 and handed that cash to Paul to show good faith.

Um, what?

You borrowed money to save stuff that you wanted gone to begin with? :icon_scratch:

6PK2GO said:
Moderator rameneth finished with:
"On the other hand we now have someone saying the accusations are false and that the interested party is delusional. By leaving this up maybe we can alert those in the hobby that the accusations are false."

No accusation on our part, just a statement of fact. It's going to take years in the courts to sort this out but i was there. Lynn Shackelford was forced to sign the Bill of Sale. He did not sign the Bill of Sale on his own free will. The Bill of Sale is worthless. Challenger V.I.N. JS27V0B100421 is a stolen car.

Yes, it is an accusation. Since you like to define words on your blog, look up the definition of "accusation."

You say you were there. Then, if he didn't sign it of his own free will then why did you let him sign it?

As far as the bill of sale being useless, I've been saying that. The title defines ownership. You've also said that you have no legal standing... could that be because you signed over the title, making Mr. Doolittle the legal owner?

View attachment 11267

6PK2GO said:
And finally Rameneth the Moderator said:

"Too many holes in the OP's story, too. On the blog we have him stating he told this Mr. Doolittle what the car was worth then here he states the son (or nephew or whatever) must have done some internet research to see what the car was worth."

Not holes, information held in reserve for the courtroom. Paul and matthew called me to the farm and with their serious faces said "Lynn's car is only worth $17,000 not the fabulous figures he claims." And I was exhausted and said without thinking that the value of Lynn's car is in the originality and the serial number and the two equipment plates on the fenderwell. Matthew did a web search and I think that's when Paul contacted Mike Mancini.

For the court room? You just said you have no legal standing.

I'm thinking this statement taken with your previous one (you would have been happy if you had gotten more) is getting the heart of the matter.

Let's see who's smart enough to figure out what I'm thinking.


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Ok as best I can figure out Lynn Shackelford may or may not own a newspaper dated August 5, 2011 from The New Hampshire Union Leader. Has very bright yellow shorts and needs a new pair of socks!


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I personally feel that if the car has been stolen it is a shame. It is also a situation that the proper authorities should deal with. There is no way on this web board that I see this being any less than a "He said, She said situation." Since that is the case, I do not see any good coming from this thread on the board and suggest that it be locked. This is my opinion and it is up to the moderators.


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I personally feel that if the car has been stolen it is a shame. It is also a situation that the proper authorities should deal with. There is no way on this web board that I see this being any less than a "He said, She said situation." Since that is the case, I do not see any good coming from this thread on the board and suggest that it be locked. This is my opinion and it is up to the moderators.

It's all he said she said.

What we have are accusations flying left and right with no verifiable proof of anything except the car is now in the hands of Mike Mancini as provided by the magazine article. (If that's the same car.)

If the car is stolen, then it is a shame and should be returned to it's rightful owner by way of the proper authorities.

If it's not stolen and was legitimately sold, then we have someone trolling the net and dragging people through the mud. Which is also a shame.

And this mod is close to locking this thread. I want to see a little more information before I lock it and let the reader make an informed decision.


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the car is now in the hands of Mike Mancini as provided by the magazine article. (If that's the same car.)

Ramenth is there a link to the magazine article available somewhere? The car does look sort of familiar to me I may have read it already but i`m not sure if I did. I wouldn`t mind reading it or re-reading it if thats the case minus all the drama here.


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Ramenth is there a link to the magazine article available somewhere? The car does look sort of familiar to me I may have read it already but i`m not sure if I did. I wouldn`t mind reading it or re-reading it if thats the case minus all the drama here.

Might have to right click and save to zoom in and make it more readable.

Mopar Collectors Guide.jpg

Mopar Collectors Guide.jpg


Oct 2, 2012
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It's all he said she said.

What we have are accusations flying left and right with no verifiable proof of anything except the car is now in the hands of Mike Mancini as provided by the magazine article. (If that's the same car.)

If the car is stolen, then it is a shame and should be returned to it's rightful owner by way of the proper authorities.

If it's not stolen and was legitimately sold, then we have someone trolling the net and dragging people through the mud. Which is also a shame.

And this mod is close to locking this thread. I want to see a little more information before I lock it and let the reader make an informed decision.

It's your list and you need to shape the discussion for the good of the list but please allow me to say this because I think that what happened to Lynn can happen to anyone lucky enough to buy a high value car before it became a high value car.

I was in the room. I was not allowed to speak. Paul Doolittle and Matthew Doolittle were physically intimidating. Paul and Matt made it clear that if Lynn did not sign the Bill of Sale that day the car would be crushed or parted out. Lynn refused the money for the car. He said that it would be blood money-like selling a child.

Months later because of the animosity between us, senior church officials, Minister F. Jay Deacon and E-Board President Curtis Smith moderated an arbitration to encourage Lynn to accept the money from his car. Therefore the church is involved because if the courts determine that a sale has taken place then the sale did not occur until Lynn accepted payment for his car. I accepted some of the money only out of financial necessity. Lynn refused the money.

Lynn blames me for the loss of his car and my mandate from Lynn is to get his car back for him. Lynn wants his car back in the condition it was in when it was stolen with the NOS and aftermarket parts he had collected for its restoration.

I was offering a possible solution for Paul Doolittle.

Yes I knew Ralph Stemple is an alias but I believe that if someone is going to purport to know the goings on at a meeting where only five people were present, than they should identify themselves.

Yes we're gay and I wanted to show that the threat of that stigma cannot be held over our heads.

And I'm not afraid to say who I am.


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It's your list and you need to shape the discussion for the good of the list but please allow me to say this because I think that what happened to Lynn can happen to anyone lucky enough to buy a high value car before it became a high value car.

I was in the room. I was not allowed to speak. Paul Doolittle and Matthew Doolittle were physically intimidating. Paul and Matt made it clear that if Lynn did not sign the Bill of Sale that day the car would be crushed or parted out. Lynn refused the money for the car. He said that it would be blood money-like selling a child.

Months later because of the animosity between us, senior church officials, Minister F. Jay Deacon and E-Board President Curtis Smith moderated an arbitration to encourage Lynn to accept the money from his car. Therefore the church is involved because if the courts determine that a sale has taken place then the sale did not occur until Lynn accepted payment for his car. I accepted some of the money only out of financial necessity. Lynn refused the money.

Lynn blames me for the loss of his car and my mandate from Lynn is to get his car back for him. Lynn wants his car back in the condition it was in when it was stolen with the NOS and aftermarket parts he had collected for its restoration.

I was offering a possible solution for Paul Doolittle.

Yes I knew Ralph Stemple is an alias but I believe that if someone is going to purport to know the goings on at a meeting where only five people were present, than they should identify themselves.

Yes we're gay and I wanted to show that the threat of that stigma cannot be held over our heads.

And I'm not afraid to say who I am.

You accepted money. You said it yourself. And you just answered what I was thinking. You didn't get enough for it and are now saying it was stolen from you.

Title equals ownership. You have no title, you have no ownership.

Otherwise you'd have already been to court and the buyer would be in jail for grand theft auto... no matter what your claims against the local police department (the buyer is against you... the police are against you... the church is against you... I'm seeing a pattern here....) at some point you'd be able to go to state authorities if you had verification of ownership.

Thread closed.

Open another one about this topic and you're banned.
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