The service manual calls for 6 on the left, 5 on the right with 2 half leaves forward of the axle. Most of what I have seen spewed for this car is 6 and 6. Mopar performance hdx seem to be 6 on the left and 5 and 1 half on the right.
What should the spring configuration be?
I need to raise my car, snubber hitting and suspension bottoming out. New springs and QA1 shocks. I am going to re-arch the springs but I also want to be sure they are the right configuration. Picture is the passenger side.
What should the spring configuration be?
I need to raise my car, snubber hitting and suspension bottoming out. New springs and QA1 shocks. I am going to re-arch the springs but I also want to be sure they are the right configuration. Picture is the passenger side.