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74 Challenger, from northwest Iowa


New Member
Feb 20, 2023
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Hello All,

I have a 74 Challenger that my old man has had since he was in highschool. It took me a few years, but I'm finally getting fired up about working on it! It needs a ton of work, and the frame is rusting though, but we've been running and driving it over the last few summers. I'm in the process of figuring out what all my dad has done with it. It has a 440 big block from the late 70's purchased as a crate engine, with an A-833 4 speed trans. Motor is supposedly low miles, and has been somewhat built (not sure what all has been done yet until I open it up and take a gander. Trans needs some work, it seems fine outside of 4th gear there is some grinding.

I am currently at college in my last semester but am looking forward to dumping my "big boy" money into it come this summer.

The plan is to rip out the motor and trans first thing, so we have easy access to address body, frame, and paint issues. While the pair is out, the plan is to get more numbers off engine and trans parts to figure out "exactly" what we have in it.

List of immediate action items include (not in any specific order)
  • Rebuild trans (grinding in 4th gear, pops thinks its a bearing or thrust surface)
    • May also replace 2nd gear
  • New clutch and flywheel (totally not my fault from learning stick on this car)
  • Tune carb
    • Engine falls on its face a bit when accelerating
    • Looking into wideband o2 to take out some guesswork (not sure if this is a good idea)
  • Patch frame
  • Fix/replace bell housing (cracked)
  • Paint... Paint... Paint...
Most of the work was done by the old man, before he was experienced. The car was lean and mean back in the day, but some of his choices and repairs have not aged well haha. These choices were also made a loooonnngg time ago, so many of them are not remembered.

A little more background, Dad (late 50's) has been a mechanic for 30-something-odd years and I'm (early twenties) studying computer engineering. That combo makes for quite the dynamic lol.

I'm a young guy, so please excuse any ignorant or dumb questions.

Any tips for asking questions, or using this forum are appreciated!

Happy to be here :)


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2011
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So. Cal. Riverside area Moreno Valley
:welcome: aboard. Before you do anything you need a specific plan. Educate yourself as much as you can on theses specific cars.
Make a check list. Take lots of pictures during disassembly. Tag and bag all parts as they are removed. Have a good, clean storage area for all the parts. A good practice if you are going to use the good, old parts is to restore the items as they come off so you don't get overwhelmed later. Try to find local help, join a local Mopar club ( great resource). They can help you find sources for parts, information, local professional help if needed. Get good manuals to study and use for disassembly and reassembly. I will post a few links for you. And ask as many questions as you have. Write down your questions so you don't forget. Good luck.
Service Manuals – MyMopar
MMC Detroit
Parts Manuals – MyMopar
The 1970 Hamtramck Registry - 1973 AMA Specifications - Challenger


  • ProjectCheckList1.pdf
    158.5 KB · Views: 172
    61.3 KB · Views: 165

Gen 3 Cuda

Active Member
Mar 25, 2018
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Welcome! I don't frequent here a lot, but, will be glad to help out any way I can. I'm also in NW Iowa.


Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2011
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Mid Michigan
Welcome to the site from Michigan!

Following what Moparleo said, you will be glad you did later on.

And there are no ignorant or dumb questions here. We are here to help you along.


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2023
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Southeast Arizona
Welcome to the site from the desert!! Everyone here is happy to help with questions. And remember, there are no stupid questions, just dumb answers.