Challenger RTA
Well-Known Member
More on brake issues. This is to help others with problems. I will elaborate from an other post a little more. Non ABS.
The story goes. My son had a car problem used mine for bit. When he got it I told him I need to look at the brakes. I smoked the tires and brakes. Someone pulled out in front of me in a 45mph zone.
He brought it back and was starting to grind. He offered to help fix things. Not a big deal I'll get it later.
Later came put pads on pumped the peddle to take up for pad gap before it moved. Seem fine. Started the car and the peddle went right to the floor when running. Ok now what? Did not break loose any lines.
So by chance I had to meet someone to take possession and secure a property for someone. The current owner shows up and it's the mechanic that does my inspection. He deals with this stuff all the time. Day in and out for a living. I explained the problem. He said that happened once and a great while you need to bleed the brakes. I said: But I didn't open anything.

Bleed the brakes. Went and bleed the brakes but only had a 1/4 of peddle.
It felt like there was air in the line. Bleed the brakes again and again. Also gravity bleed,bottle bleed, pressure bleed,vacuum bleed, bench bleed. Bleed lines from every connection. How many times I don't know. Tried jacking up the car thinking air will go up hill. ( I'm thinking back. what did I do. Lets think simple.) The brakes worked perfect until I put pads on the front. Ok had parts around that I knew were good. I know it's not this but I will do it to please the Gods of trial and error. Changed master cylinder around 4-5 times same thing. took master cylinders apart and check.Plugged the master cylinder checked for pressure and it held. Checked the proportioning valve and also changer it. Changed booster (When a booster is bad there is a hard brake pedal. You can here the vacuum leak or the check vale is stuck.) same thing right to the floor. Dissembled wheel cylinders and calipers cleaned and inspected. Same thing no brakes.
A brake caliper and wheel cylinder will hang up in or out and you think it is working because it pumps up and no air in the line. Also the seals will allow air to seep in after you bleed the lines. At this point I know it's not contamination.Blew lines and out. Lines and hoses were clear. No swelling of hoses or blockedage. Went though a 1/2 gallon or more of brake fluid. Checked movement of wheel cylinders and calipers. looked ok. Had someone push on the brake but with a 3' bar I could turn the rotors. It should have been locked up. I did get it fixed Not quite sure what it was but they work know! I'll show you next what fixed it I could not believe it. 
The story goes. My son had a car problem used mine for bit. When he got it I told him I need to look at the brakes. I smoked the tires and brakes. Someone pulled out in front of me in a 45mph zone.
He brought it back and was starting to grind. He offered to help fix things. Not a big deal I'll get it later.
Later came put pads on pumped the peddle to take up for pad gap before it moved. Seem fine. Started the car and the peddle went right to the floor when running. Ok now what? Did not break loose any lines.
So by chance I had to meet someone to take possession and secure a property for someone. The current owner shows up and it's the mechanic that does my inspection. He deals with this stuff all the time. Day in and out for a living. I explained the problem. He said that happened once and a great while you need to bleed the brakes. I said: But I didn't open anything.
It felt like there was air in the line. Bleed the brakes again and again. Also gravity bleed,bottle bleed, pressure bleed,vacuum bleed, bench bleed. Bleed lines from every connection. How many times I don't know. Tried jacking up the car thinking air will go up hill. ( I'm thinking back. what did I do. Lets think simple.) The brakes worked perfect until I put pads on the front. Ok had parts around that I knew were good. I know it's not this but I will do it to please the Gods of trial and error. Changed master cylinder around 4-5 times same thing. took master cylinders apart and check.Plugged the master cylinder checked for pressure and it held. Checked the proportioning valve and also changer it. Changed booster (When a booster is bad there is a hard brake pedal. You can here the vacuum leak or the check vale is stuck.) same thing right to the floor. Dissembled wheel cylinders and calipers cleaned and inspected. Same thing no brakes.
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