Hate to admit it but i did not ream the bushing! Hard lesson learned if that did it.
At the least, i will go back with the AR cover and properly fit the bushing.
I took my B block to the machine shop today and we will start planning the build later this week after it’s cleaned and checked. Everything from the top of the 440 will move over to it. He is trying to talk me into a 470 which is different than i planned when i started. I was planning a 400/500 stroker build this winter after Cruising the Coast in October. I already have the 270 tfs heads and intake, a leftover davinci dominator and it was a drag car to begin with.
I was going to put the recommended steel gear in when I got home.
Thinking about it, I will stick to my plan and build the 500 and it will be for the strip.
I will take the 440 block to the machine shop next week or so, see if it’s salvageable. I am thinking the bottom end is ok. If it is I will put the factory heads back on it, streetable hydraulic cam, not a roller cam. Factory intake and a “ThermoQuad”!!! lol and that will be the cruise motor.