Still figuring out a couple things and I haven't had to pull anything back off the carb --- it seems to want to run well on test drives well....I think this carb rebuild is a success!
The cold starts seem fine - (two pumps), hot starts are still a ***** - advance issue?????
The choke is locked out (more likely for a reason).
NO carb leaks (TY ALL!!!!)...holds steady 180ish coolant temp, while I idled/opened/goofed around with mixture for 30-40 minutes). 6 psi fuel inlet psi, .5 out mixture screws seemed best for idle and I still reek of spent/unspent fuel.
#71 jets, floats set 1/4 inch below site hole.
It seems to high idle around 1100 after a good run through burn (6k rpm)...then settles to 950 and will idle little lower eventually.
First cold start after carb rebuild.....success!!