Border agent - Not certain about texas, but have been through this in minnesota and would think it was similar. First thing I did was go to the vehicle registration place, same place where you get your license and get the proper form! Ihad to fill in the title application form, lost title I think it was called, also a form on how I got the car without a title to start with. They required me to provide pictures of all four sides and picture of last license plate if available. I sent these in with a copy of my purchase receipt, similar to what you indicated you have, and of course some dollars. It cost me $86 plus another $90 for collectors plates. They told me that I would receive a letter which would require that I purchase a bond against possible stolen car. Then after that would get some sort of title papers allowing me to drive the vehicle. I took the most unflattering pictures I could to send as a precaution. I received a clear title in the mail a couple of months later, must have been the pictures as it looked like a piece of junk, anyway that is how it worked here and can't believe it would be too different there, especially if the car was actually owned by the guy you bought it from, you should be able to get a clean title for the beast. Good luck and post some pictures, guys here like that!