Paying taxes is far better than being poor and paying none. Agreed. I only gripe that our ”humble public servants“ have deliberately created such a mess that I have to hire professionals every year to comply with their requirements. It shouldn’t be that complicated.
The very fact that I have to create a post to learn more about tax implications from my hobby shows how ludicrous the tax code is. Replies to this post show that there are varied opinions so clearly it is not that clear.
If I had a different hobby to pass the time, such as knitting cat sweaters, and I chose to sell my sweaters online to recover the material costs, I shouldn’t be required to show anything to the government. Let alone be required to hire an accountant to make sense of it all. Even if I make a profit throughout the course of a year. At some point, we become servants to our elected officials instead of the other way around.
Okay, I’ll climb down off my soapbox now!