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Here are Old School (American made) Rockers that have
been in the shop 40+ years.
Before NHRA allowed Roller Rockers in Stock. these are what all the
fast Big Block Guys ran in Stock Eliminator!
They were the strongest of all the manufacture and were able to accomendate
way more Spring Tension than any other brand.
The ratio 1.5 was way more consistent than anything on the market.
One complete pair with Shafts and a spare 8 on another shaft.
Take everything .................. $375 plus $28 shipping
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been in the shop 40+ years.
Before NHRA allowed Roller Rockers in Stock. these are what all the
fast Big Block Guys ran in Stock Eliminator!
They were the strongest of all the manufacture and were able to accomendate
way more Spring Tension than any other brand.
The ratio 1.5 was way more consistent than anything on the market.
One complete pair with Shafts and a spare 8 on another shaft.
Take everything .................. $375 plus $28 shipping
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