Easy, but first remember a 440 rotor turns counterclockwise, which is opposite of what you might expect.
Turn the engine over until it is about 10 degrees before TDC, on the compression stroke.
The distributor can be installed any old way, as long as it seats fully into the oil pump drive, but you will probably want the rotor pointing towards #1 cylinder to make the plug wire routing easier/cleaner.
With the eng. in the correct position, and the distributor fully seated, and rotor pointing where you want it, snug down the hold down clamp and run your plug wires (counterclockwise)in the correct firing order.
Hook up a timing light to the battery and #1 wire; turn the ignition to the run position (DO NOT CRANK).
By hand, twist the distributor ccw, then clockwise, while holding the timing light trigger. When it fires, you tighten down the dist clamp. You will be good to go at this point.
I would also prime the carb to prevent excessive cranking.
Once it is running you will want to set total timing at about 34 degrees at 2500 rpms.
So if your dist has a vacuum advance disconnect it & plug the source. Your dist probably has a mechanical advance system. You want all the advance in at 2500 rpm. This is easiest with a timing light that has a built in degree dial, or you can use a balancer tape.
Turn the carb linkage screw to hold the engine at 2500. Dial the light to 34 degrees; turn the distributor until the timing mark/ light shows tdc. Rev the engine up a little more to make sure you are not getting any extra advance. Tighten down the dist clamp. Turn the carb idle screw down to where you want it... hook up the vac advance and take it for a drive... listen for pinging. These engines generally like 34 to 36 degrees mechanical. Ignore the initial / idle timing.