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transport two cars


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2010
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i need a challenger delivered from iowa to pigon forge tn and pick up a cuda and take back to iowa round trip! thanks

73 Gone Loco

Active Member
Nov 11, 2011
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I had my 73 shipped from New Mexico to Pa and was $1,050. I used a company called PROGRESSIVE AUTO RELOCATION INC. I would recommend them alot. They where great to deal with and was fast shipping it to me. The guy I spoke to and delt with was HECKTOR and his number is (786) 477-4324. Hope this will help you out. I know I would use them again.


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2009
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I've used uship.com Private and professionals both bid on your shipping job. Its like an auction for your shipping job. Troy


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2012
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You might want to be very careful if you hire the guy on Moparts. That's what I did and you can see what happened.....


Trust me when I say I'm not the only one...

Here's the confirmation email stating the price and location of pick up and delivery....

JAN 20th 2011: ME: "The cost to bring both cars to ND is no more than $2,602.50 (or $1,245 for Ken's car and $1,357.50 for my car) and then another $1,054.20 to bring my car the rest of the way for a grand total of $2,411.70 for me" JIM:"Cody, I just got your email. Your spaces are confirmed. I will set about building a connecting load into the Boston area. Hopefully I can get a scheduled transport from CA to the Boston area by the time I drop off there at the end of the month. I will keep you updated. Jim (260) 804-6695"

Once he finally picked up the cars (Feb 23rd) I didn't hear anything for over a week so I emailed him: ME: Hello Jim, Wanted to see how things were going? Let me know when you have an idea of the drop off day so I can get time off work. Thank you. ~Cody"

His response: JIM:Cody, I spent last Thursday just east of Cleveland, OH sitting out a blizzard and got back on the road Friday mid afternoon when it has passed thru the area. I developed a noise in my engine that sounded like a valve. My cylinder heads were redone in November 2010 and are under warranty. The shop that did the work is in Dayton, OH. So I drove there & waited to take it in on Monday. Turned out to be low compression in a cylinder. I have a piston with bad rings or a crack. I am having another engine put in my truck. That takes awhile. I am continuing with another truck to Fargo, ND. Jim (260) 804-6695" That was March 3rd.... and you can see in his email "I am continuing with another truck to Fargo, ND"

My Response: ME: Hello Jim, Wow, it's an adventure! Hope all goes well and you're able to get your truck back soon. Do you think we'll still make the March 16th delivery for my Cuda? We have a new business we are launching around this cuda and a 50' booth rented with big displays just for this car is planned. The Portland International Roaster show set up is March 17th. Thanks! ~Cody"

No response to my email.... So I keep trying with the email route...

Another email from me ME: Jim, I fully understand unplanned things happen and not having your truck running right is a big concern for you.... as it would be for me if I was in your situation. If you could be so kind as to give me an update on your truck repair and delivery schedule I would appreciate it. While the Cuda is a big part of our before and after booth in the Portland Roadster show, I can make alternative plans if you are unable to make it here in time. Please give me as much notice as you can if you do not think you will make it before the 16th so we can make the needed changes to our booth signage and program flyers. Thank you for your efforts. ~Cody"

I left a phone message and then a couple days later I get this email: JIM: Hi Cody, We have been hit with continuous rain & high wind for the past few days. At this time, weather is the determining factor as to when I will leave Ohio. I have to have safe road conditions from here to Fargo, ND. At this time, it looks like next Tuesday is when I will be leaving Ohio. Jim (260) 804-6695"

I called Jim and after he explained he would not be leaving anytime soon due to the weather. I said to take his time to make sure he's safe and I'll make other plans for the show where I wanted to have the Cuda. 10 minutes later he called me to tell me he would need another $1,000 to drive 1,500 miles around the storm. I quickly said NO. Told him to wait and keep the price as quoted. He started yelling at me and telling the cost of gas means he needs another $1,000. I stood firm, no way I'm paying another $1,000. He said my car will be left with "his friend's place" in Ohio. I asked that he give me the address and phone number of the place it will be left. He WOULD NOT GIVE ME THE INFORMATION. He kept saying, "you will get that information when I need it". I told him I do not know nor trust a complete stranger with my car. He might know his friend very well, but I do not want my car left in Ohio unless he gives me his information so I can check in to who the car will be left with. He continues to state he needs another $1,000 for gas and weather. I called him out and said, what is it... weather or gas? He hangs up on me. Here's my email to him after the phone call where he hung up on me (Prior to placing this call I confirmed with Ken that I could have my Cuda stored with him in ND):

March 6th ME :Good morning Jim, I'm sure you can understand how disappointed I was to hear that it was going to take more time or more money to get my vehicle delivered. You explained the cost increase as a result of needing to drive around the bad weather and the rising cost of fuel. As I explain yesterday, I'm willing to wait for the weather to get better to keep the cost as quoted. In an effort to help you complete the trip to the west coast, I have updated (bumped) one of your board threads to see if anyone else has a vehicle in need of transport. If for any reason the delivery can not be completed to Brush Prairie, WA regardless if it's because of weather or fuel costs, the only accectable altinative is to deliver the vehicle to Ken Schwanke in ND at the same time you deliver his car. Let me know if you will be bringing the vehicle to Brush Prairie, WA or if it will be delivered to Ken Schwanke so I can arrange to have payment ready at time of delivery. Regards, Cody Reich 360-772-5555"

That same day he was able to continue on to ND. I got this email March 6th JIM: "Cody, I am on my way to Fargo, ND with both Barracudas. I am not continuing further west. I plan on dropping off around March 10th. Your figures are correct. Please arrange to have your payment made available in cash with Ken so I can collect at that time. Jim (260) 804-6695"

After the Cuda was dropped off in ND, I get an email stating his insurance will not let him pick up in a storage facility. He wants me to send him another $80 for the tow truck needed to load the Cuda. I said I would pay it. I'm waiting until the Cuda is delivered all the way before I mail him any money. This is the last email from him JIM: "Cody, I was kind enough to pay your towing bill when I picked up your car. The fact is, your car would not have been able to be loaded without having it towed to the pick up location. Reimbursement is not contingent upon further transport by someone else. You need to put that check in the mail today. Jim (260) 804-6695"

Anyone that feels they need more information about Jim Jarzabek, fell free to call me at 360-772-5555

look on moparts there is a guy who transports cars good luck dave


Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2010
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Barrie, Ontario, Canada
Listen to Cody!..... REALLY PLEASE!
DO NOT use a company called DAS ( dependable auto shipping) I bought my car off e-bay and they did 4-5k in damages to it then walked/ran away.


Jul 23, 2010
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I've only had to have a car transported long distance one time. A couple years ago I built a car for Make a Wish and it was invited out to SEMA. I searched for a reasonable transport company and was put in touch with Randy Burry owner of Diamond B Services Inc. They were kind enough to take the car back and forth to SEMA for no charge and took care of the car as if it were they're own. We arrived in Las Vegas within an hour of each other. Oh and I live in NC. The contact number for Randy is 1-800-497-7473 or his mobile number is 303-601-7592. Hope this helps you out.