Well-Known Member
Yes, I stumbled through many pages, not seeing what I needed. Would call maybe faster, but seen no number.
The vibe I get from them, is they would rather deal with email on their own schedule. I'm the same way in my self-employed line of work. Phone calls disrupt my flow. An email I can ponder, and respond when it's convenient.
I would not be surprised if they've taken numerous phone calls, answered many questions, that did not result in a sale.
In our present-day, immediate gratification, google-it-now mind-set, those seeking answers just want to call and get their answer pronto.
Even on this forum and others, some people ask a question they could easily google themselves to get their answer. But, it's easier for them to ask, and move on, than it is to research on their own.
It would be a big expense to revamp their whole website to add a search function. Possibly more than annual sales warrant. If it ain't broke, why fix it? Other sites have fabulous websites, but higher prices and/or limited inventory. I think this one is doing well, considering.