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AAR resto


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2023
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Southeast Arizona
The greatest thing about getting older is there are a lot more great looking young honeys out there! And that goes for the women folk too! 😁

Once again Don, you're doing an awesome job!

don selleck

Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2022
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michigan usa
women are better workers if you have a big mean one to control them, and a few cronies under her to police, seen it. at least for 21 days out of 30
I know what you mean. But some were too serious. They nicked named me Romeo. I was on a mid shift maybe a 100 on first and about 25- 30 on second. I did amaze me how the could stay focused, fast on there work and do an excellent job.

don selleck

Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2022
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michigan usa
most of them would go home and take out the frustration on there significant other, it was fun to be the hype man


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2023
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Southeast Arizona
I had the pressure of working with a lot of women in my career and I'm still friends with a lot of them to this day! 😀


Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2022
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Northern VA
well ran out of propane last night, long story short had to switch companies, but no new tanks till next thursday, so I'm running (2) 100 pound tanks to keep from freezing out there with the water lines etc. have the thermostat on 42 so I guess I'm on vacation for a week. And what's so sad, Larry4406 ?

This will get his attention: @larry4406

hope it was just fat fingers don't want anyone misunderstanding what I'm saying, which is easy to do typing without expression
Sorry of the unintentional sad post! Fat Fingers/mouse issue!

This is truly an awesome thread Don! Keep it up.

don selleck

Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2022
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michigan usa
well ran out of propane yesterday was 4 degrees outside, I was on a keep full program by Ferrel gas, had to call them 3 times last year cause I nearly ran out. told them to shove it up there ass. and ended my service with them. Could not talk to anyone all automated system, no customer service at all. Went to a local company up the road, same one I get my welding gas and supplies from, got propane for 10% less, and scheduled a new tank delivery, unfortunately they won't be there till Thursday (6 days). So picked up (2) 100 pound tanks and will be swapping tanks out as needed to supply my house. I have a heat pump electric heater in both buildings but pretty small keeps it at 48 degrees out there, too cold for me to work, I could fire up the big propane heater out there but will suck a tank down quick. its about 15 degrees out now. hoping it warms up in a few days a bit, until then I'm dead in the water. 😞

Challenger RTA

Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2018
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PA Flood city
Went to a local company

Not that this fixes your problem for now. My brother has a cabin about an 1 1/2 from home. He also went with a local co for that reason. I do believe there is a remote reader on his tanks now and the company makes sure they don't go empty. Maybe ask about that. GPS,Cell or other don't know. Know were up to 15. I got the heat on in the garage but I think it is going to be a basement work day. I'm going to stay in the cave.
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don selleck

Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2022
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michigan usa
The new company I went to has a remote reader also they say when it hits 30% they send a truck. Talked to the driver who was gonna fill the old tank when I stopped him said they have readers also for a fee. The driver was very cool and stated that if he had propane he would buy it from someone else too. the tank pad was right on the edge of my concrete driveway, kept it plowed and snow pushed away from tank, he said he is gonna miss this delivery it was one of the easiest for him.

don selleck

Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2022
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michigan usa
Well It wasn't too bad yesterday, got into the last crusty area the engine compartment, drivers side inner fender
r around the shock tower had some bubbling going on so, performed surgery and got the cancer out, planning on tack and stacking again to the inner fender first, to keep the patch flush, then clamp it to the shock tower and pin weld, will be glad when the welding is done, getting kinda old. Taking a painted part down to a painter friend who owns a collision shop to match the purple on the car so the underside blends hopefully,

don selleck

Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2022
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michigan usa
Have 1 day left on welding and grinding, thank God! Had a half day today, so didn't want to get super dirty, leaving for a graduation party for my step daughter, she
became a nurse last week, she's been busting her ass working 2 jobs, 2 kids, and nursing school for the past several years, very proud of her for pulling it off. she lived with me and her mother, when I first met her mom. back in 06, she was a spoiled little pretty ***** back then, jumped her **** and told her how life really was, long story short, she actually thanked me for it a few years ago. Amazing what can happen when your a dick to people that need it. She has 2 boys, that are raised with discipline and taught how to respect. Those boys will have a way easier life adjusting to the real world when they get thrown into it someday. Well tore apart my steering column to install the Peter Bergman lower column bearing that replaces the bushing that is gone from the factory, so figured might as well clean, blast, and paint the scratched up areas and regrease. Got into it and found a ton of sand in it, must have been from the 90's when the last guy painted the engine compartment, another glad I tore it apart moment. waiting on the flat black mix from my painters paint rep, should have it in a week or so.


Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2011
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Mid Michigan
Have 1 day left on welding and grinding, thank God! Had a half day today, so didn't want to get super dirty, leaving for a graduation party for my step daughter, sheView attachment 133991View attachment 133992View attachment 133993 became a nurse last week, she's been busting her ass working 2 jobs, 2 kids, and nursing school for the past several years, very proud of her for pulling it off. she lived with me and her mother, when I first met her mom. back in 06, she was a spoiled little pretty ***** back then, jumped her **** and told her how life really was, long story short, she actually thanked me for it a few years ago. Amazing what can happen when your a dick to people that need it. She has 2 boys, that are raised with discipline and taught how to respect. Those boys will have a way easier life adjusting to the real world when they get thrown into it someday. Well tore apart my steering column to install the Peter Bergman lower column bearing that replaces the bushing that is gone from the factory, so figured might as well clean, blast, and paint the scratched up areas and regrease. Got into it and found a ton of sand in it, must have been from the 90's when the last guy painted the engine compartment, another glad I tore it apart moment. waiting on the flat black mix from my painters paint rep, should have it in a week or so.
Sometimes that is exactly what it takes, it's called "tough love" for a reason.

don selleck

Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2022
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michigan usa
Yep most people don't understand that, I raised 2 son's that talk to me everyday that have families of there own, both have houses, my oldest paid cash for his about 8 years ago, with all his own savings. I won. :thumbsup:


Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2023
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Shawsville Virginia
Raised two boys with the same tough love I got when I was growing up. The oldest turns 40 this month and both have been successful in their lives. It does work. I give my grandson the tough love too. He's a better kid because of it as well.

don selleck

Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2022
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michigan usa
Raised two boys with the same tough love I got when I was growing up. The oldest turns 40 this month and both have been successful in their lives. It does work. I give my grandson the tough love too. He's a better kid because of it as well.

to be honest i was a mama's boy, sheltered from the world and then tossed into it, when my dad retired and they moved to florida. that was tuff as hell took me years to figure it out, always told myself wasn't gonna to that to my kids, or any as a matter of fact.

don selleck

Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2022
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michigan usa
Taking the day off -20 windchills this morning, going to stop by my painter guys shop and see if my paint came in yet, then head over to some other friends house who has pool day every wednesday, pool as in billiard's. about a dozen retired machinist's, engineer's, regular joe's and a drywaller (me). they usually cook a bunch of food and some goodies throw back some beers, etc. a good bull shitting session. :thumbsup:


Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2023
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Shawsville Virginia
to be honest i was a mama's boy, sheltered from the world and then tossed into it, when my dad retired and they moved to florida. that was tuff as hell took me years to figure it out, always told myself wasn't gonna to that to my kids, or any as a matter of fact.
From what I've read of you posting in here seems like you have figured things out and done well for yourself.