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Fire Extinguishers


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2018
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A number of years ago, I owned a car that caught fire in the engine compartment. Fortunately, I was quick and calm about extinguishing the fire before it caused too much damage.

Since that time, I have made it a point to carry a fire extinguisher in the car. In the case of my Challenger, I have carried a loose extinguisher in the trunk. Not very convenient, I’ll admit, but it’s better than nothing and far better than losing the car.

Which brings me to my point, who here has permanently mounted one in their ride? Where did you mount the extinguisher, what type of finish on the fire extinguisher – interior mounts will most likely want that “snappy look” like chrome, white or black - and what size extinguisher (#)?


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
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I use one in my 81 dodge van. Installed behind the captn seat.
My dad used to have one in his car, in the driver side foot well, On the kick panel, it was a small canister. I asked him one day, why in such a bad spot!
He said
1) it's handy,
2) it's in sight (in a moment of panic one could forget a lot of things.
3) but most importantly, the can is in the same place as in a C-130, so no need to remember the location of the extinguisher.


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2015
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Metro Detroit
I just bought one of these...….keeping it in the box and putting behind the driver seat for quick access (I made sure I can open the box flaps easily in case of emergency).....since it's in the box it won't roll around to much (I hope)......afraid if I put it in the trunk I won't get at it in time (fumbling for trunk key)...….it says it covers class A,B and C

If I have a rear seat passenger, I'll just temporarily put it in trunk

I just b


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2011
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So. Cal. Riverside area Moreno Valley
Mount it to the trans tunnel. Most come with screw on brackets. If you are going to have one, just like anything else you need to do a few drills on what to do when you need it. Stress does funny things to people, that is the purpose of doing fire drills, escape plans for you and family ( you have one don't you?) in case of a fire or ???. Years ago I was working in a pit cutting the exhaust from an import car when I burned a plastic fuel line. As the fuel was draining out of the line into the pit,that was now burning and spreading because of the burning gas, I grabbed the big fire extinguisher that we had in the pit and couldn't get the safety pin to come out. I didn't realize that I was holding the grip so tight that the safety pin was jammed and wouldn't move until I relaxed my grip. Never forget that one. Keeping it in the box is like keeping your gun unloaded and in the safe when you need it. Just a thought. And get a bigger or another extra extinguisher. Better to have more than you need than the other way around., More expensive stuff like Halon won't fill your car full of white powder.


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
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Mount it to the trans tunnel. Most come with screw on brackets. If you are going to have one, just like anything else you need to do a few drills on what to do when you need it. Stress does funny things to people, that is the purpose of doing fire drills, escape plans for you and family ( you have one don't you?) in case of a fire or ???. Years ago I was working in a pit cutting the exhaust from an import car when I burned a plastic fuel line. As the fuel was draining out of the line into the pit,that was now burning and spreading because of the burning gas, I grabbed the big fire extinguisher that we had in the pit and couldn't get the safety pin to come out. I didn't realize that I was holding the grip so tight that the safety pin was jammed and wouldn't move until I relaxed my grip. Never forget that one. Keeping it in the box is like keeping your gun unloaded and in the safe when you need it. Just a thought. And get a bigger or another extra extinguisher. Better to have more than you need than the other way around., More expensive stuff like Halon won't fill your car full of white powder.

A lot of good points and a lesson hard learned. It rattled you a bit, diden it?
Glad you survived to tell.
Just one thing tho, wasnt Halon extinguisher baned?
or are they banned in submarines?


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
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Did they actually put out a fire?
My tablet is too small to see the fire!


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2018
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Same question here = Did they actually put out the fire?

I did a quick search for a video and found this >

Then I found this >

Which I assumed is a direct competitor to Element & operates on the same principal?
The last vid concerns me a little, since it appears he was having a time to extinguish the fire. Most likely because of the breeze. Halon starves O2 around the fire. A windy day concerning? Yes! Especially since Colorado almost always has a stiff breeze blowing. And "Yes" an ABC extinguisher will blanket a fire starving it of O2. A windy day might send the chemical flying everywhere. Hmmm?
Which leads me to wonder if the 1st vid was *ahem* a setup or was the wind dead still during the demo? Hmmm again?
This I do know; Based on the size of the Element Fire Extinguisher certainly allows it to be accessible and out of sight at the same time. The fire fighting time makes it impressive as well.
Models < My "Thanks" to the other Moparian guys for the link! ;)
For the replies. Now I have some "Homework" to do!


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
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Form experience, when things are engulfed, you need an extinguisher with brute force! There simply isn't enough force to put out the fire, too much waiting.
And, it's too short, you gotta stick your head in the plume to get close enough!
I wont be running to the store yet!


Active Member
Mar 26, 2018
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Dearborn MI.
I have black 2.5 lb Halon extinguishers in all of my cars. Mounted behind the drivers seat on the floor near the kick up. I bought this cool looking label on eBay with chrome finish and black lettering with the Plymouth logo that made it look like a dealer option part! (Sorry, I don't have pic of it). They are pricey compared to standard dry chem types, and as mentioned, the dry chem extinguishers make a heck of mess, but ultimately better than letting your pride and joy burn. Bottom line...get one!


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
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There you go!
You guys remember how Goose got "cooked"?
He should have had an extinguisher!

Mad Max was a great movie, it became a cult, with all of us really, it was like "vanishing point" Aussie style,
"ya might"......