Well-Known Member
1972 challenger msd 6al, newer plugs, wires, distributor etc. the car has been doing something weird. You put the key in ignition and turn to go start and it sometime is dead as a door nail. Not even ability to turn over. No accessory of any kind and cabin light wont turn on when door open. Sometimes i will turn ignition on to run and all accessories turn on like radio etc but the dash and dome lights flicker. When attempting to start the volt gauge bounces and flickers along with light and sometimes i have spark and sometimes i dont. I was at first thinking something was wrong with my new msd 6al or my ignitin control module but then i thiugh if something was wrong with those it probably wouldnt fire up at all. When it does fire up intermittently there is jo problem and its perfect. I am thinking my ignition switch is malfunctioning or worn out needing replacement and contacts are shot what do you all think am i in the right thought?